Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

18 DEC 22 Sunday SOAPS Devotional

 18 DEC 22 Sunday SOAPS Devotional

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 24, 29; Isa.42:1-12; Eph. 6:10-20; John 3:16-21

The Fourth week of Advent

Are you evil? Do you do evil?

S- And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. John 3:19-20

O- The coming of Jesus brings light and life into the world like no other time in history.  Everyone who was and will be are born into sin and darkness.  We are darkness according to Paul and do evil continually.  What is evil? Brace yourself.  It is us.  In our core we are evil and our actions: lying, stealing, fornicating, murder, adultery, homosexuality, idol worship, etc are evil.  Jesus says we all have done these things and fall short of his standards.  We cannot change ourselves, only Jesus can do that for you.  This is why he came into the world.

A- I will rejoice in the Lord, creator of heaven and earth.  I will rejoice in my savior who loved me and demonstrated that by coming into the world, living a perfect life, and dying for me.  I will rejoice in his grace and mercy on my life.

P- Almighty and everlasting God, you are gracious to me and your love is unfailing.  Thank you Jesus for coming to save me, an unworthy evil person in my core.  I rejoice that you have made me new, making me holy and giving me your righteousness.  All praise, glory, and honor be your name forever more. Amen and amen.

S- all who have ears to hear.

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