Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

20 OCT 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional: Walking through anxiety and worry Day 6

 Day 6: What now?

“I prayed to the Lord and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 NLT

Fear is a very powerful emotion that can cause lots of anxiety and also can stop us from moving on. It can enter our lives at any point, whether young or old. For example, when we are younger, we feel invincible but as we age our mind says “yes” but our body says “no”. Or there might be an injury, illness, or the death of someone close to you that causes you to question just about everything. It strikes fear into the heart and expresses itself in a variety of emotions, whether sadness, anger, panic, or worry.

The psalmist shows his vulnerability by describing his inability to help himself. Some problems are too big for us which shifts the direction of our lives and fear steps in to cripple or paralyze our minds. You might be feeling this now and ask, what now?

The good news is that fear can change us for the better and strengthen our relationship with the Lord.  We need to talk to God about it and hand it over. God knows we will face challenges in life and desires to walk with you through them.  He can free you from the fears that weigh you down and give you the ability to be at peace and be strong.  

Merciful Father, I’m facing an uncertain time in my life which has changed my life and I don’t know what to do. I know that you hear my prayer and that you care for me. Free me from this fear and guide me to your will. Help me to trust in your goodness and comfort me in this difficult time. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Monday, September 30, 2024

30 SEP 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional: Walking through axniety and worry Day 5

 Day 5: Does doubt create a noisy mind and a fear of the unknown?

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalm 94:19

From time to time when things don’t go our way, we can begin to doubt our future. Maybe you lost your job or got injured and cannot work. Bills and daily needs can cause you to spiral and get overwhelmed not knowing what to do. Others may be in that year of retirement and are looking ahead to what is next, but are fearful of embracing the unknown after years of job security. These fears are common for many people, but some may find they need a way to clear the fog of doubt that is creating a noisy mind.  

David had many challenges before becoming king, and even more so while he was king. He racked his brain to figure out what to do when the trials of life smacked him in the face. When you read the Psalms, you find accounts of his solution. He took his problems to the throne (God) before he took to the phone (other people). As he poured out his heart and mind to God, he experienced a clear mind, peace in his heart, and a renewed sense of hope and joy followed. If it seems simple and a bit mysterious, it is, but it works. I’m not asking you to trust me, I’m asking you to trust God and release your doubts over to him.  

Heavenly Father, you have known me from before the foundation of the world. You have made known in your word the reality of this life and the problems that will come my way. The fears and doubts I face can be overwhelming but help me to remember that I only have to turn to you for all that I need. Please take any worries that I have for tomorrow and give me the strength I need to endure today. Amen.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

14 JUL 24 Sunday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

 14 JUL 24 Sunday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

Daily Office: Year 2 Week of the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 10)

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 148, 149, 150; Joshua 1:1-18; Acts 21:3-15; Mark 1:21-27

Are you obeying Jesus?

S- “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

O- The call and command on disciples of God has not changed from Genesis to Revelation and even today.  We are told to hear, obey, and give it away.  Many of those who claim to be believers do not obey the Lord.  Jesus said that if you do not obey what he says then you do not belong to him.  Sounds harsh? If he is Lord or Master of your life then you refuse to do what he tells you.  

A- I will obey Jesus as my Lord and Master of my life.  

P- Master, Savior, Jesus, my life belongs to you.  I am not my own and desire to do you will instead of my own.  Let my obedience be a demonstration of my love for you.  Empower me to follow you when it is not convenient, difficult, or costly.  Amen.

S- A, S, C

Monday, July 15, 2024

15 JUL 24 Monday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

 15 JUL 24 Monday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

Daily Office: Year 2 Week of the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 10)

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 25; Joshua 2:1-14; Rom.  11:1-12; Matt. 25:1-13

S- “As it is written, God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day.” Romans 11:8; “Ears to hear and eyes to see- both are gifts from the Lord.” Proverbs 20:12

O- Reading the passage from Romans speaks of God’s sovereignty in salvation in choosing who will be his and who will not, specifically the Jews.  The proverb, which is not part of today's reading, came to mind.  We do not have the ability to respond to the gospel message unless something happens on God’s end.  Being born again or from above is the transformation of our spirit from death to life and the opening of our spiritual eyes and ears.  This can spark a healthy fear of God and draw a deeper sense of gratitude in the believer.

A- I will give thanks and temper my frustration with those who are deaf to the good news.

P- Gracious and sovereign Lord, who am I that you are mindful of me?  I haven’t done anything to deserve your favor or your mercy.  Thank you for your loving kindness and making me your child.  I pray for those who have not heard the gospel yet or are not yet born again.  May the Holy Spirit move in their hearts today transforming them and giving them the ability to respond.

In Jesus name, amen.

S- dan, spencer, 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

13 JUL 24 Saturday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

 13 JUL 24 Saturday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

Daily Office: Year 2 Week of the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 8)

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 20, 21:1-7; Deut. 34:1-12; Romans 10:14-21; Matthew 24:32-51

Are you sharing the gospel?

S- “And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”” Romans 10:14-15

O- As you read this chapter, it comes to mind to command to go and tell the good news.  God chose the method that the world sees as foolishness to accomplish his will.  Preaching or sharing the gospel from person to person is necessary so that everyone at least hears the message and God will give the increase where he desires.

A- I will share the good news with others wherever I live. I will trust that God will save who he wants and remain faithful in spreading his message of hope.

P- Merciful Father, many people have never heard the gospel once and your children are not sharing the gospel.  Help us to reach all those that you have prepared to hear.  Give the increase as we plant seeds and care for those we contact.  Bless the work of our hands, Lord, bless the work of our hands. Amen.

S- C, 

Friday, July 12, 2024

12 JUL 24 Friday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

 12 JUL 24 Friday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

Daily Office: Year 2 Week of the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 8)

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 16, 17; Deut. 31:7-13, 24-32:4; Romans 10:1-13; Matthew 24:15-31

Do you care if others are saved?

S- “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.” Rom. 10:1

O- The evidence that you are saved is that you desire for people to be saved and share your faith.  The opposite is true too.  If you don’t care that others are going to enter eternity without Jesus, you are not saved yourself, period.  The more I meet lost people the more focused I am on praying, caring, and sharing the good news of Jesus.

A- I will refresh my focus and intentionally reach out to those who don’t know Jesus.  I will pray for them regularly, care for them, and share the good news as the opportunity presents itself.

P- Gracious Lord, thank you for seeking me out and putting a Christian in my life to share the good news of Jesus.  Help me to reach those that don’t know you and I lift up their names to you now, __________.  Please draw them to yourself, change their heart and will, and save them.  In Christ’s name, amen.

S- G, J, 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

11 JUL 24 Thursday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

 11 JUL 24 Thursday SOAPS Daily Office Devotional

Daily Office: Year 2 Week of the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 8)

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 18:1-20; Deut. 3:18-28; Romans 9:19-33; Matthew 24:1-14

S- “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake.  And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.” Matt. 24:9-10

O- In every generation, you may see what is said to come in Matthew 24, but understanding the times is critical.  Why? It reminds us that our life has meaning, and purpose, and is connected to a greater mission.  Our intentionality of serving Christ faithfully must come into focus in light of the times because hell is hot, life is short, and eternity is long.  There are people who need to hear the good news before it is too late.

A- I will continue to love, care, and share despite the indifference and rejection of others.  I will continue to seek the lost and train the saved to be disciple-making disciples.

P- Heavenly Father, thank you for preparing us for what will come to those marked by your name.  Help me not to be surprised or shrink back from obeying your commands when trials come.  Empower me to love my enemies and trust you in my suffering that you are there with me.  In your great name, I pray, amen.

S- Anna, Tony, David, Isaiah, Israel, Chris

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

10 JUL 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional: Walking through anxiety and worry Day 4


Day 4: What happens when your protective factors fail?

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” Isaiah 41:10

There are times in our lives when we experience great trials, suffering, or major life-changing events.  During these moments we can start to fray emotionally, mentally, and physically to the point of a breakdown.  We can feel trapped and no longer see a way out of the situation.  This is because we rely on our insulating and protective factors like friendship, diet, exercise, sense of self-worth, purpose, practice of faith or community and those things start to fail.  What do you do?

At all times, we have to instead rely on God instead of our own self.  We have to remember that God is present and available.  He knows you, cares for you, and expects you to have life trials.  In the passage above, he draws you to himself in times of suffering and allows you to experience him as your strength, your help, your enabler, and the one who can bring you through it all.  A common love and grace is available to all humans, but here you find a particular love and grace available to his children alone.  He promises to be with you moment by moment, not only for your good and his glory.

Heavenly Father,  nothing is helping me cope and I feel like I’m trapped in this situation. (Pain/loss/illness) I need you.  Please help me to believe that you are here with me and to experience you.  You are my God and I am your child, so show me the way to glorify you in the middle of my distress.  Be my strength, my guide, my helper, my pillar, and deliver me with your mighty hand I pray, amen. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

23 JUN 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional: Walking through anxiety and worry Day 3

Day 3: What are you focused on?

Matthew 6:33 “ But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

In the different seasons of life, our attention is drawn by our needs and wants.  As a child, I wanted a BMX bike and that was all I was focused on.  As a teenager, it was sports.  As a young adult, I was seeking a lifelong relationship.  What we focus on can bring us worry, stress, and anxiety until it is obtained or discontent when it is not.  Such is the reality of human nature.

We can overcome these things when God changes our nature and the Holy Spirit takes up residence.  Worry and anxiety lose their grip on you when you change your focus to the things that truly matter now and for eternity.  Jesus says you have that ability when you “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness”.  These are enough to fill our lives with meaning, purpose, service, identity, and a deeper connection with the community of faith and God.  

The old hymn tells us, ‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus’, reminds us that when we look into the face of Jesus our worries and anxieties ‘will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace’.  Jesus adds that those needs we worry about will be satisfied in Him.

Heavenly Father, thank you for bending down and hearing my prayer.  You know what things I worry about and what you want from me.  Lord, strip away my worry and help me to focus on you, your kingdom, and your righteousness.  I want to find my satisfaction in you, in Jesus’ name amen.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

15 JUN 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional - Walking through worry and anxiety Day 2

 Are you carrying burdens?

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

When you first leave home for college, you set off with a backpack filled with hopes and dreams.  You quickly realize that adulting is hard! As you walk this new journey your backpack can become filled with items that weigh you down like fear over grades, worry about juggling a part-time job and full-time school, needs & wants, difficulties with new relationships, failures, and the list goes on. Before long the pack is too heavy to move or live freely like you did when living with your parents.

One thing they won’t teach you in college is that God can take the burdens from your backpack and give you perspective, strength, and even joy.  Understand something about God, he sustains the entire universe including life from small insects to how planets orbit around the sun. No molecule is random or out of his control.  Our burdens are not too big for him to handle and he promises to be with us through these challenging times.  While we might think we are failing or drowning, God plans to use these stressors to develop us into the person he desires us to be.  Start talking to God about what is in that backpack of yours and get help from the One who can do something about it to alleviate the heaviness.

Heavenly Father, today my pack is too heavy because of the load I carry.  Help me to let go of anything that I do not need, and give me wisdom to deal with the rest.  I trust you to sustain and care for me as you and I walk this road together.  Make me into the person that you want me to be and use these burdens for your glory.  In your matchless name, amen.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

12 JUN 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional - Walking through worry and anxiety (Day 1)

12 JUN 24 Coffee with Chaps Devotional

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Phil. 4:6

Day 1 - What is the source of your worry and anxiety?

My wife and I adopted our last six children years ago who were all under the age of six at the time. It took time for them to trust that we would always be there for them fully and to care for their needs and many wants. Unconsciously, they worried if we might return them to foster care; if we would provide the bare necessities of life like food and shelter; or if we would love them as our ‘own’. Each day they witnessed our love and care for them with regular meals, clothes, their own bed, hugs and kisses, etc. We had to verbally affirm or remind them regularly that this would be their forever home and their needs would be met. Proving our love and care daily, eliminated their worry over time.

As adopted children of God, we have a good father who knows how to care for and develop us. Life is challenging and painful, and things don’t always go how we expect them to. God’s children are not immune to that and are often more likely to suffer. God’s words to us are “endure” and “trust” him through all of life’s highs and lows. We don’t have to worry because He is always with us and will provide what we need when we need it. Our worry and anxiety will decrease when we talk to him about our concerns and remember all that he has already done.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all that you have done for me and how you have cared for my needs. I feel like I forget that when I’m going through a trial like this. I trust you with it and ask that you give me the strength and wisdom to endure. Let me remember that you are walking with me through this, and I am not alone. In Jesus name, amen.

Monday, February 5, 2024

4 FEB 24 Sunday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 4 FEB 24 Sunday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 93, 96; Gen. 24: 50-67; 2 Tim. 2:14-21; Mark 10:13-22

Week of the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Question of the day:  Are you correcting the false teaching in your community?

S- “Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words.  Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them.” 2 Tim. 2:14

O- The pronouncement of truth is a good and faithful endeavor for each of us to be involved in.  The negative side to teaching the truth is combating falsehood.  People like to talk and argue, but truth has the authority to end these discussions to protect the people from damage.  The foolish talk brings godless behavior and we will have to correct errors on a regular basis.

A- I will faithfully share the truth and wisdom of God’s word to the building up of the faithful and silence the falsehood when it comes.

P- Lord, we face difficulties daily as we proclaim your word among your people and the world.  False teachers and ideas flood our streets and make their way into your church.  Give us wisdom and strength to combat these things as they give birth to godless behaviors.  Let truth win the day and your name be glorified in all that we do and say. Amen.

S- The few that I have been given to invest in.

Monday, January 8, 2024

8 JAN 24 Monday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 8 Jan 24 Monday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 1,2,3; Gen. 2:4-9, 16-25; Heb. 1:1-14; John 1:1-18


Question of the day:  Do you know Jesus as God?

S- “And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son.  God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance and through the Son, he created the universe.  The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.” Hebrews 1:2-3

O- All of the Scriptures in the reading plan today point to Jesus’ divinity as the creator and sustainer of the universe.  Genesis account details the creation of plants, animals, and human life.  John in his gospel deals theologically with his testimony of who Jesus is in the hopes that when people read, they will believe in Jesus as God.  Hebrews writes to Jewish believers to remind them that the Messiah they now believe in is actually God.

A- I will cherish and meditate on these Scriptures knowing that God has revealed himself in his Son and that Jesus is the creator, sustainer, savior, and Lord.  I will rejoice in what is revealed in the word.

P- Heavenly Father, for many this is an epiphany.  It was reading the book of Colossians nearly twenty-five years ago that my eyes were opened to the magnitude of who Jesus is.  Your words encourage us, inspire us, and draw us closer to you.  Write them on my heart and help me to cherish your revealed truth about yourself, your son, and the Holy Spirit.  Help me to get to know you each day and to share who you are and what you have done.  In Christ’s name, amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

6 JAN 24 Saturday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 6 Jan 24 Saturday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 46, 97; Isaiah 49:1-7; Rev. 21:22-27; Matt 12:14-21


Question of the day:  Do you trust God when things are out of your control?

S- “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.” Psalm 46:1-2

O- It is said that ‘there are no rogue molecules’ because God sustains all things and controls all things.  When you understand that God does ordain or orchestrate climate catastrophic events, you realize you are not in control, but you can find peace, refuge, and strength in Him during it all.  This is where faith and trust take a leap.

A- I will not live in fear of climate events and understand that God is in control and has my life in his hands to spare it or to deliver it into his eternal presence.

P- Merciful Father, you are great and beyond measure for us to fully understand.  You have created all things and the magnitude of your power is breathtaking.  Help us Lord to remember who you are when things spin out of our control.  You are merciful and extend to your elect your goodness and deliver us to yourself when this life is over.  We give thanks to you today and renew our trust in you. Amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

4 JAN 24 Thursday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 4 Jan 24 Thursday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 85,87; Joshua 3:14-4:7; Eph. 5:1-20; John 9:35-38

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day:  Are you looking for an example to follow?

S- “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.  He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma in God.” Eph. 5:1-2

O- The book of Ephesians is a great book to encourage a follower of Christ in doctrine and life.  We are given an opportunity to live a life that brings God honor and glory every day.  We are not at a loss for examples and models to follow.  God is the ultimate standard for life and when there is not a model around us, we can strive to be the model for others.

A-  I will imitate God in all I do and seek to be a model and example for others.  I will be a pleasing aroma with God’s help.

P- Heavenly Father, you are so good to us every day.  I thank you for your word and care.  I give praises to you for modeling the life you expect us to live both in yourself and in your Son.  Prepare our hearts, minds, and souls with the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life with a pleasing aroma in your nose.  Bless you.  Bless us.  In Christ’s name amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

3 JAN 24 Wednesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 3 Jan 24 Wednesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 68; 1 Kings  19:9-18; Eph. 4:17-32; John 6:12-27

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day: Do others see you as righteous and holy?

S- “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” Eph. 4:22-23

O- One of the functions of the church and every believer is to become more like Jesus.  Paul desires to help shape new believers by explaining to them the difference between their old life and the new life given to them by Jesus.  We have a new nature, purpose, and lifestyle that is to be marked by righteousness and holiness.  Paul wants us to be focused on this and strive with the Spirit’s help to this end.  How are you doing with this?

A-  I will seek the counsel of a spiritual mentor to help examine my life to see if I am truly pursuing the life God intends for me to live.  I will yield to the Holy Spirit as he exposes and renews my thoughts and attitudes to conform to his will.

P- Gracious Lord, thank you for saving me and giving me the opportunity to live for you and not myself.  Examine my life Lord, and help me to become righteous and holy.  In my old life, I followed my desires and much of it was sinful.  Help me to desire what you do and to live in a manner worthy of your name.  In Christ’s name, amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

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