7 JUN 23 Wednesday : A Closer Walk Devotional
“The false prophets and visionaries who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the Lord your God, who redeemed you from slavery and brought you out of the land of Egypt.” Deut. 13: 5
When the Lord calls a people to himself, those people are separated from the world. They live and worship differently, and act in a manner that reflects God’s character and values. As the Good Shepherd, he not only guides us in daily life, but also protects us. We need to hear what he says in his Word in regards to those that would lead us astray from the worship we give and the life we live.
From the time he established a relationship with the Jews and the church, he warned of false teachers and prophets that will come into the community of faith. Today is no different. Every generation has the same problems and the same formation and testing. We are told to handle these false teachers and prophets intentionally and harshly because they ultimately harm the individual and community.
Some think they are prophets with a capital P, that they are hearing from God and deliver a gospel or word that doesn’t line up with the Word. If their predictions don’t come true, even one, they should be dismissed as false teachers. There are many on tv, in pulpits, and congregations saying, “God told me..”. Beware! This is the phrase of the day that leads us astray.
We are not called to put them to death, but to call them to repentance. If they don’t, then put them out of the church until they do.
Are you aware of the false prophets and teachers around you and what to do?
Reading Plan: Psalm 119:49-72; Deut. 13:1-11; 2 Cor. 7:2-16; Luke. 17:20-37
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