21 JUN 23 Wednesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” Acts 2:4, 11
In the previous chapter Jesus said, the believers would receive power for the purpose of being witnesses for him. The goal of the great commission given in Matthew 28, is to make disciples of all nations until Jesus returns. In order to do that, one has to speak the gospel to another so that by hearing it can surrender to Jesus. How could these guys share with people that spoke a language they did not know?
Well today, missionaries go to language school for a couple of years so they can become proficient and then travel to the country where that language is spoken to begin sharing with others. When the Holy Spirit was first given to the Apostles and believers, there were millions of Jews and God-fearing people in Jerusalem. They spoke many different languages and the Lord had the intention to use them at that moment for reaching the lost.
The Holy Spirit gave them at that moment the ability to speak languages that were not known to them. While the languages were different, the message was the same. They were glorifying God in what he has accomplished and the gospel was delivered. Those that didn’t understand Arabic or Farsi thought the people were drunk, but the people who did hear the message loud and clear.
This is a great picture of the reversal of Babel in Genesis 11 where God scattered the people and confused their language. Now God is bringing them back together through the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Turning from your sin and putting your trust in Jesus for what he has done for you will bring salvation. The Holy Spirit is still in it from start to finish. He changes hearts, opens minds to the Word, directs witnesses, empowers an effectual call, and seals believers as Christ’s own forever.
Are you using the power given to you the way God intended?
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