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Friday, May 26, 2023

26 MAY 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional

 26 MAY 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional

“They will perish, but you remain forever, they will wear out like old clothing.  You will change them like a garment and discard them.  But you are always the same; you will live forever.” Psalm 102: 26-27

Some days I feel like I have aged dramatically and passed that point where I have lived more life than my future holds.  Most of the time, I look at that with joy because death is not the end.  The psalmist is in a similar spot when he acknowledges his mortality. “For my days disappear like smoke, I am withering away like grass.” (v.3, 8)  For some knowing this initiates a heavy and depressing feeling.  The reality of death is real even though we try to suppress it.

In truth, everyone will die.  The death statistic has not changed since the first person died, 10 out of 10 people die.  There is an exception for a couple of people in the Bible, Enoch, and Elijah. Those that were raised from the dead by Jesus died a second time.  This passage speaks about one person that does not change but lives forever.  He is God.  Well, what about Jesus?

In Hebrews 1, the writer states something interesting.  He says that God identifies his Son Jesus with the very verses of Psalm 102. God credits Jesus with the creation of the universe, earth, and all that is in it.  He states that Jesus will live forever and He is always the same.  Chapter 13 of Hebrews says he is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Christ did die, but He rose again to life.

Knowing Jesus beat death and lives forever is the truth that sets the believer’s mind free from aging, death, and fear of it.  It frees us from fearing death and desperately doing all we can to fight it.  Death becomes merely a door to the full presence of the holy, majestic, awesome, and glorious Triune God.  I have nervous anticipation of walking through that door, but He who is on the other side of it is far more wonderful than anything on this side of the door.

If you are afraid of growing old and dying, put your trust in Jesus for what he did for you on the cross and he will give you eternal life that starts the day you surrender to him.  He will give you peace to live a purposeful life now until you walk through the door and see him face to face.

Are you struggling with getting old and the reality of death?

Reading Plan: Psalm 102; Ezek. 34:17-31; Heb. 8:1-13;  Luke. 10:38-42

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