17 MAR 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“Why can’t you understand what I am saying? It’s because you can’t hear me! Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God. But you don’t listen because you don’t belong to God. I tell you the truth, anyone who obeys my teaching will never die!” John 8:43, 47, 51
There are some people who reject Jesus, but often say they think he is a great teacher. This is preposterous! The most religious people on the planet during the time of Jesus’ ministry saw or heard the miracles of healings and deliverance and balked at his teaching. They could tell that he taught with authority not like their own.
HIs teaching got him into the most trouble. It inflamed people to homicidal ideation to the nth degree. Jesus posed questions to them about their lack of understanding and unbelief. Realize the questions he asked were not for himself as if he was frustrated at the effectiveness of his teaching. It was to open their ears so that the rebuke and rejection he was about to give would take root.
They couldn’t understand his teaching because they did not belong to God. What a blow! They were playing church and doing stuff, but were not children of God. They were spiritually deaf, blind, and dead. But those that “do” hear and obey, are God’s children. John 10:4 says, his sheep knows his voice and follows him. Jesus is seeking his lost sheep throughout the world. They come in every shape, size, and color. (nation, language, & tongue)
Those that are his, will hear and turn to him and follow. That’s amazing! That is why God is great and the gospel is so powerful to those that are being saved. It is also why it is the stench of death and offense to those that are not his.
Do you hear the voice of Jesus and follow him? Woe to you if you don’t!
Reading Plan: Psalm 88, 95; Jer. 11:1-8, 14-20; Rom. 6:1-11; John 8:33-47
Daily Office Year 1