Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)
Friday, June 30, 2023
Friday, June 23, 2023
23 JUN 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
23 JUN 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and fellowship, and to sharing meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.” Acts 2: 42
The section of Acts 2 of our reading plan is a great place to learn about the marks of a healthy church and healthy disciples. This is the most basic recipe of a church. There were no buildings, professional clergy, budgets, or programs. When most of us look for a church or those that are not believers look at a church they see these things.
If they have up-to-date facilities with nice bathrooms, children and youth programs, professional staff to our liking, and money to pull all of that off, sign me up. You might think I was describing the YMCA or some club if you didn’t know I was talking about a church. That is the sad part about this today. We have come to expect the church to serve our needs versus us submitting to God’s rule and obeying his ways.
Form follows function as some great businessmen would say. What you produce depends on how you are designed to function. A pastor friend scratches his head and wonders why people are not making disciples and living for Jesus even though they talk about it every Sunday. He asks, what is wrong with them? It’s actually “how” they do church that produces observers and consumers, rather than producers and doers of the word. Doing church and being the church are vastly different things and are not a game of semantics.
If you want someone who is a faith practitioner versus an attendee, you must change the process. The early church didn’t have to keep people entertained and satisfied, they were a training center that prepared people to live for Jesus, be on a mission, and enjoy one another. The end product was a people who were disciple-making practitioners that multiplied wherever they went.
Is the church producing what it was designed for?
Thursday, June 22, 2023
22 JUN 23 Thursday: A Closer Walk Devotional
22 JUN 23 Thursday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“Utterly disgrace them until they submit to your name, O Lord. Let them be ashamed and terrified forever. Let them die in disgrace. Then they will learn that you alone are called the Lord, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth.” Psalm 83: 16-18
The writer of the Psalms often uses imprecatory prayers in his conversation with God. He identifies an enemy not just of his own, but God’s enemy. These anti-God neighbors are truly breathing threats to end the life of the writer and the people of God. This is a plea for defense and an ultimate end to those that come against God specifically and by extension the chosen people.
From the spiritual side, God’s sovereign election places people into two camps, the saved and the condemned. John 3:18 says that those that do not believe are condemned already and are just awaiting sentencing. This is no different than when the Jews were the only chosen of God. If believers were to do nothing, their enemies and God’s enemies would remain on the road to hell.
Interestingly, the psalmist hopes that the enemy would be humbled or disgraced until they submit to the name of the Lord. Let them be ashamed and terrified of the reality of who God really is. When a person is born again, they see God for who he is and the fear of the Lord takes effect. The words of the beatitudes hit that person. (Matt 5) They become poor in spirit and realize they have been enemies with God and now they really need God.
They mourn over their own sin as shame, guilt, and disgrace set in. They are humbled before the Lord and are moved to submit their lives to God. Their distaste for the things of God changes into a hunger and thirst for him. They have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. (Ps. 34) This is a beautiful thing to experience for yourself, but also for those that rebel against God.
If you want them to suffer the wrath of God, don’t share the gospel with them. But we cannot do that! We are commanded to love our enemy and to tell them the good news. The results are up to God. Now you can pray this psalm “for” your enemy with a bit of a different goal.
Are you praying for your enemies and the ungodly in your world?
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
21 JUN 23 Wednesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
21 JUN 23 Wednesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done!” Acts 2:4, 11
In the previous chapter Jesus said, the believers would receive power for the purpose of being witnesses for him. The goal of the great commission given in Matthew 28, is to make disciples of all nations until Jesus returns. In order to do that, one has to speak the gospel to another so that by hearing it can surrender to Jesus. How could these guys share with people that spoke a language they did not know?
Well today, missionaries go to language school for a couple of years so they can become proficient and then travel to the country where that language is spoken to begin sharing with others. When the Holy Spirit was first given to the Apostles and believers, there were millions of Jews and God-fearing people in Jerusalem. They spoke many different languages and the Lord had the intention to use them at that moment for reaching the lost.
The Holy Spirit gave them at that moment the ability to speak languages that were not known to them. While the languages were different, the message was the same. They were glorifying God in what he has accomplished and the gospel was delivered. Those that didn’t understand Arabic or Farsi thought the people were drunk, but the people who did hear the message loud and clear.
This is a great picture of the reversal of Babel in Genesis 11 where God scattered the people and confused their language. Now God is bringing them back together through the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Turning from your sin and putting your trust in Jesus for what he has done for you will bring salvation. The Holy Spirit is still in it from start to finish. He changes hearts, opens minds to the Word, directs witnesses, empowers an effectual call, and seals believers as Christ’s own forever.
Are you using the power given to you the way God intended?
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
20 JUN 23 Tuesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
20 JUN 23 Tuesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. The Lord gives both death and life; he brings some down to the grave but raises others up. The Lord makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others up.” 1 Sam. 2:2,6-7
In the second chapter of Samuel, we have a beautifully rich theological prayer of Hannah. She has received an answer to prayer and dedicates her only son to God, releasing him into permanent service to God. Her guilt and shame are taken away by this gift of a child. She pauses in reflection and praises what God has done for her. This is very much like the song of Mary when she has been given the honor and privilege of being the mother of Jesus.
Worship is the response of someone who has been shown grace by the Lord. The more you understand what God has done for you, the more your life becomes worship. Hannah really has great things to say about God and the significance of his sovereignty and grace. Understanding that God is holy, is a great place to start. He is something completely different. He is perfect in every way and without sin. There is no evil in Him, nor does he do evil.
Sometimes we look at what God does or allows and can get bent and accuse him of injustice. No one has ever experienced injustice from God. You either experience justice or mercy. There is no other God, just the God of the Bible. All others then are either products of man or Satan. One of the things that Hannah gets is God places us into the time, location, socio-economic slot, and situations. If you grow up poor or rich, the Lord allows that for his own reasons. Like Hannah, she took what she was given and took it to the Lord and He satisfied her.
All the things we think will bring us satisfaction will fail and leave us wanting. Surrendering it all and throwing yourself onto God will bring satisfaction and joy that is lasting through every challenge this life can bring. God will raise you up those who are his when this life is over. Now that is something that will cause our hearts to praise God like Hannah.
Is there a song of praise in your heart to God?
Monday, June 19, 2023
19 JUN 23 Monday: A Closer Walk Devotional
19 JUN 23 Monday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
After three years of walking with the Lord Jesus, seeing him crucified, dead, and risen from the grave, the disciples are given a final mission that continues until Jesus’ return. The disciples were trained and equipped to carry on the work that Jesus did and were given the power and authority to effectively do it. We can miss something that is important in this passage that can plague our life as believers. We have a primary purpose and the ability to fulfill it.
In the Westminster Confession of Faith, the catechism asks what the chief end is for man. In other words, why do you exist? The answer is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. Everything we do in this life can glorify God when we live according to our purpose. We glorify God and demonstrate our love by obeying his commands. Jesus commands his followers to be His witness and make disciples. (Matt. 28:19) That is the primary task of “every” follower of Jesus.
The disciples could not say to Jesus, wait we do not know enough. Wait, many people do not want to hear this or receive it. Wait, I do not want to be a witness that must be for a special Christian. Someone has to have the “gift” of sharing. Jesus simply and directly commands, “You will be”. From the moment you become a follower of Jesus, you will be my witness and you will be until you die or He returns.
The reason the Holy Spirit is given is to help you to do this work. The Holy Spirit makes effective the call on people’s lives when the gospel is shared. Your role is to faithfully share the good news and leave the results to God. Those that come to faith, need your investment in becoming a disciple who makes disciples. You do this with whomever the Lord puts in your path in life. (Family, friends, co-workers, sports, leisure, shopping stores, etc.)
Are you faithfully being a witness for Jesus?
Reading Plan: Psalm 80; 1 Sam. 1:1-20; Acts 1:1-14; Luke. 20:9-19Friday, June 9, 2023
9 JUN 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
9 JUN 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“We are traveling together to guard against any criticism for the way are handling this generous gift. We are careful to be honorable before the Lord, but we also want everyone else to see that we are honorable.” 2 Cor. 8:20-21
Integrity is a trait that is needed by every believer and leader within the church. We see in our society, business leaders, politicians, the military, and everyone else, struggle with living and working in a manner that is honorable. Pride, greed, and power are temptations that become sins and damage our trust horizontally with other people, but also vertically with the Lord.
Paul makes the point and puts in the effort and protective factors in place to protect himself and their ministry. Once trust is lost, it is very difficult to build that back. In this case, Paul is traveling back to Jerusalem to take the money collected from the regional churches for the needy believers. Whenever you are dealing with money, people are naturally suspicious.
Paul doesn’t want to give the appearance of wrongdoing nor put himself in a position to do wrong with what was entrusted to him. Even in his day, there were spiritual charlatans that took advantage of people for financial gain which does long-term damage. He wanted to bring honor to the Lord and to the churches so that the focus is on the mission and not on them. These protective factors are necessary so that we are built up as a whole and positive accountability is established so that integrity becomes the standard.
Are you establishing accountability for personal integrity?
Thursday, June 8, 2023
8 JUN 23 Thursday: A Closer Walk Devotional
8 JUN 23 Thursday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“They are being tested by many troubles, and they are very poor. But they are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity. For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford, but far more. And they did it of their own free will. They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for the believers in Jerusalem.” 2 Cor. 8:2-4
Jesus said it is better to give than receive. There is something to be said about that, especially in the light of the verses above. We can easily determine how giving or generous we are by looking at our bank statements. How are we doing? We can also look at our attitude when we give. Is it drudgery, stress, or anger, or are we happy about it?
The churches in Macedonia faced many trials and troubles that caused them to suffer greatly. They were also very poor. You would probably think that they would be looking to be the recipient of the money and seeking support, but they didn’t. They were joyful and excited to give to others that were in need. They even ‘begged’ Paul that they too could get in on the giving! Have you ever begged to give?
One of the marks of a healthy church and disciple is generosity which comes from love. You look for an opportunity to give and support other Christians in need and their ministry. In turn, you feel the joy of being able to invest in others financially as a demonstration of your love for them. It becomes an exciting thing and you want to do it even if you have very little to give. You are willing to sacrifice so that other followers of Jesus can meet their needs.
Would others describe you as a generous person?
Reading Plan: Psalm 50; Deut. 16:18-20, 17:14-20; 2 Cor. 8:1-16; Luke. 18:1-8
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
7 JUN 23 Wednesday: A Closer Walk Devotional
7 JUN 23 Wednesday : A Closer Walk Devotional
“The false prophets and visionaries who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the Lord your God, who redeemed you from slavery and brought you out of the land of Egypt.” Deut. 13: 5
When the Lord calls a people to himself, those people are separated from the world. They live and worship differently, and act in a manner that reflects God’s character and values. As the Good Shepherd, he not only guides us in daily life, but also protects us. We need to hear what he says in his Word in regards to those that would lead us astray from the worship we give and the life we live.
From the time he established a relationship with the Jews and the church, he warned of false teachers and prophets that will come into the community of faith. Today is no different. Every generation has the same problems and the same formation and testing. We are told to handle these false teachers and prophets intentionally and harshly because they ultimately harm the individual and community.
Some think they are prophets with a capital P, that they are hearing from God and deliver a gospel or word that doesn’t line up with the Word. If their predictions don’t come true, even one, they should be dismissed as false teachers. There are many on tv, in pulpits, and congregations saying, “God told me..”. Beware! This is the phrase of the day that leads us astray.
We are not called to put them to death, but to call them to repentance. If they don’t, then put them out of the church until they do.
Are you aware of the false prophets and teachers around you and what to do?
Reading Plan: Psalm 119:49-72; Deut. 13:1-11; 2 Cor. 7:2-16; Luke. 17:20-37
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