Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Monday, February 27, 2012

What Is Church? by Neil Cole | CMA Resources

What Is Church? by Neil Cole | CMA Resources

What Is Church? by Neil Cole

In the Bible the church is not defined but instead is described with pictures: a flock, a field, a family, a body, a bride, a branch, a building made of living stones. Never is it described by the pictures we typically have today: a building, a business, a school or a hospital. We have replaced an organic and life producing view with an institutional one that does not produce life but at best simply tries to preserve it and contain it.

The predominate way of seeing the church today contains, conforms and controls the people. The biblical pictures of the NT are all about releasing and reproducing the life of the church, not managing and controlling financial interests.

Coffee Maker

Inorganic things can produce, but not reproduce. As Christian Schwartz points out so eloquently, "A coffee maker can make coffee (praise God), but it cannot make more coffee makers." Jesus intends for his bride and body to be fertile and for his branches to bear fruit. Jesus didn't use images of an institution, nor should we.

With much study, research, experience and time spent seeking wisdom from smarter men than us, we have come to understand church by this simple yet profound description: "The church is the presence of Jesus among His people, called out as a spiritual family, to pursue His mission on this planet."


While the Bible uses a number of metaphors to describe the nature of the church, these metaphors have one very striking thing in common. They all imply that the church is a living thing. What about the building you might ask? Remember, it's built with living stones and is a dwelling place for the Living God.The church is alive, and Jesus in her midst is her life. What is a body without a Head? A corpse. What is a bride without a groom? A widow. What is a branch without a vine? Firewood. What is a building without a foundation? Rubble. What is a flock without a shepherd? A wolf's all-you-can-eat buffet. Every New Testament picture of the church points to the living connection with Jesus as the most essential component of its being.

God's presence is not only a necessary part of the definition of church, it is the most essential one. It is the starting place and the one thing that separates the church from any other organization or institution on the planet. In Acts chapter one the believers were together, they had been instructed to pray, worship, practice the ordinances and they had appointed leadership, but they were instructed not to leave the upper room. Church was born in Acts chapter 2. What's the only ingredient added in chapter two to establish the church? It is the presence of the Spirit of Jesus in each follower that was the breath of life that animated the body of Christ in Acts 2. The threatened demise of the church in Revelation 2:1-7 is to be removed from the presence of Jesus.

If the church is a living thing, then it has to be treated differently than your run of the mill organization. Living things are organized differently than non-living things.

Friday, February 17, 2012

House of Worship rethinking mission

Feb 17, 4:20 PM EST

Uncertainty after ruling in NY school worship case

Associated press

NEW YORK (AP) -- Religious congregations whose worship services were evicted from New York City's public schools scrambled Friday to deal with an 11th-hour injunction that said they could stay.


This is a real opportunity to rethink their approach. Do you really need a building? Is church a place that you invite people too or is it the people who engage society? The Anglican Church in North America was given a great opportunity to shed old armor and run for the prize. When many left the episcopal church they took a mindset of survival versus expansion. They were concerned with creating Anglicans the right way instead of making disciples. Many of them also went the route of school and then on to brick and mortar. I believed some missed a great opportunity to take the gospel into new forms for the good of the kingdom.

New York churches have the same opportunity. Embrace the sufferings of Christ not fight them. If a seed doesn't die it will not multiply.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cultivating a Life for God

by Neil Cole © 1999 Available exclusively at CMA Resources

Friday, February 3, 2012

6 Steps To Simple Church Planting

6 Steps To Simple Church Planting

6 Steps To Simple Church Planting

February 1, 2012

1 Comment

There are a lot of new buzz words and strategies these days for planting churches. I must admit, I am from a small town and I need things to be simple in order to understand them. Studying through the book of Acts, it seems the first church planted new churches and “turned the world upside [...]

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