Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Death wish?

Death wish?

Do you have a death wish? That part of town is rough.  Did you see another person was shot in that apartment complex?  It’s too dangerous.  It’s not worth it.  I could never do that.

Those are some of the comments and questions we get from non-Christians and Christians when they hear where we go to share the gospel.  Fifteen years ago, this type of place was out of my comfort zone.  Today, I have peace in the midst of danger because my fear is in God, not man.  Jesus himself said, “do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt. 10:28)

We see that Jesus did ministry among the people.  He modeled going to the places where sinners are located.  He went to where the broken were known to be. (The demoniac, woman at the well, etc.)

Definitely easier said than done. …. think about it.  Where in your town or city do you consider to be the bad side, crime filled, or just scary?  The police in our city label them HIZ (High Intensity Zones).  These are places that are known for violence, drugs, prostitution and crime of every flavor. 

Jesus said that people live in darkness (Lk 1:79). In fact, Paul says we were darkness (Eph. 5:8). We are slaves to sin (Jn 8:34). Because of that, we cannot expect non-believers to act holy or Christianly.  It is not in their nature.  Their “big” issue is not drugs, violence or poverty. Their issue is, they do not have Jesus! We must see through the darkness and to their heart.  Be willing to be offended and not show it, for their sake.

 Did Jesus have a death wish? Absolutely not; however, He was intentionally looking for lost and broken people (Lk 19:10) no matter where they lived. For what? Life! Jesus had (and still has) a life-wish! Jesus sought out those in darkness to bring light and life.  He always found ‘some’ or a ‘few’ that received him and the message.  The majority rejected the light because they loved the darkness.  They were not the right soil. (Mt. 13) They love their sin.  They are naturally evil, wicked, and self-focused.  

If only ONE receives the good news, it would be worth it. I was worth the time, you were worth the time, and THEY (those in the rough neighborhoods) are worth our time.  It is worth our risk.  It is worth our investment.  We were created and brought into relationship with Jesus for this very purpose. It is an honor and privilege to serve the living God. Do you have a life-wish?

“Some want to live within the sound
Of church or chapel bell;
I want to run a rescue shop,
Within a yard of hell.”

C.T. Studd

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fish Tales 9/7/2016

Pastors of Peace

One of the aspects of pressing toward movement, is the idea of finding the "person of peace" as referenced in Luke 10.  Our hope is that we find people in the harvest that fit some basic criteria.
  1. They receive the messenger.
  2. They receive the message.
  3. They receive the mission.
The work of the Spirit is preparing people in these communities we are going into.  Jesus is already at work and waiting for us.   You know one when you find one.  It's a real joy.

There is another person of peace that is out there, that needs to be found,  the "Pastor of Peace".  God is not done with his church as some may think.  He is taking it back and reforming it.  The leaders from many denominations, non-denoms, and house churches are feeling His pull. 

As we talk to pastors and explain Discipleship Multiplication Principles, they reveal their long desire to see the lost won in their city.  They want their people to be involved in the harvest. They realize that they have modeled and invested in a "come and see" church.  They want a "go and tell" church that embraces the Great Commission.

Pastors are receiving the messengers, the message and the mission.  They need to know how to do the stuff, so they can see the magic. (Fruitful and Multiply)

As you pray for laborers and persons/households of peace, don't forget to pray for Pastors of Peace!

Be encouraged, Go Fish!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fish Tales 6/3/2016

A whole new world..

It's been at least a year since I've had a discussion with a homosexual friend.  Prior to that person coming out, I had been reading a number of articles from "First Stone" and a couple of books.  My own denomination, Anglican, had a major split with it's USA group and the global south.  (Another story)
I've felt the need and have prayed regularly for God to connect me with someone that I could disciple that is gay.  Last month while prayer walking, God answered that prayer.  It wasn't until our second meeting did I find out that he was gay.  Our initial conversation was about truth and about sect of Christianity that the majority view as a cult.

We both realized our meeting was an answer to prayer.  He was asking God for a person to explore the truth of the Scriptures and help him to be a disciple.  As he shared about himself, he asked what I thought about homosexuality? He said, I'm gay.  We chatted for a while about what God thinks of him specifically.  I wasn't harsh. Nor did I avoid it.

What I realized was, he was open.  He understood that from the Scripture, active gay lifestyle is sin.  That's not what God wants of him. His openness, honesty and ownership of his sin was refreshing.  It's down right painful when a person is in denial and justifying it.

Now we have committed to meeting weekly to become a disciple. Also, we are trying to figure out accountability.  This is new territory.  I know that God is in it.  I'm hopeful for this young man.  Your prayers are needed.

As you become fishers of men, we encounter challenges.  Do not be afraid. God is working on you as you are working with them.

Be encouraged.  Go Fish!

Fish Tales 6/26/2016 Tat-versation!

Say what!?

There are different times I'm in situations that I'm looking for ice breakers to start a conversation.  One of the places I'm trying to start up conversations is in the gym.  I feel awkward.  While there are a lot of people in the gym, it's very individualistic.  There isn't much conversation.

People are very focused or listing to music that will psych them up mentally so they can do a workout.  As I was on the treadmill one day, I began looking around at all the different kinds of people.  Everyone there has goals they are trying to accomplish.  Many are trying to achieve a certain look or  level of health.

Some people are there to be seen.  They draw attention to themselves.  Some gain attention by the clothes they wear or lack there of.  Some do it by flexing in the mirror. (not me) Occasionally, you get a captain oxygen.  The captain won't stop talking or making noise.

Who could I talk to? As I walked to the free weights I noticed a guy that had a tattoo of Scripture on his chest.  Could he be a Tebow fan? Is this just another tat? Did this mean he had a relationship with Jesus?  I thought I'll ask him.

Initially, he looked right at me and I pointed to his tat and gave him a thumbs up.  He smiled and went back to working out.  He couldn't hear me for the headphones, but understood the sign language.  Later, I walked by and said hello.  Then, I asked him.  Are you a Tebow fan? Is that just another tat? Or are you a follower of Jesus?

He laughed then, said he was a believer.  I asked him what his story was and he shared some deep details of some trails he has gone through.  Jesus and working out has help him get through it.  He thanked me for the conversation and gave me his name.  Discipleship will soon follow.  Based on his response I could tell he wasn't in a discipleship relationship.

As I went back to workout, I noticed all these other people that had tattoos.  Many of the guys had cross tattoos or religious icons.  It looks like I'll be having a lot of tat-versations!

Look around.  You will see ways to connect.

Be encouraged. Go Fish!

Mission Network News

Prayer Requests

How may we pray for you? We consider it a privilege to bring your requests and praises before God.
