Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fish Tales 6/3/2016

A whole new world..

It's been at least a year since I've had a discussion with a homosexual friend.  Prior to that person coming out, I had been reading a number of articles from "First Stone" and a couple of books.  My own denomination, Anglican, had a major split with it's USA group and the global south.  (Another story)
I've felt the need and have prayed regularly for God to connect me with someone that I could disciple that is gay.  Last month while prayer walking, God answered that prayer.  It wasn't until our second meeting did I find out that he was gay.  Our initial conversation was about truth and about sect of Christianity that the majority view as a cult.

We both realized our meeting was an answer to prayer.  He was asking God for a person to explore the truth of the Scriptures and help him to be a disciple.  As he shared about himself, he asked what I thought about homosexuality? He said, I'm gay.  We chatted for a while about what God thinks of him specifically.  I wasn't harsh. Nor did I avoid it.

What I realized was, he was open.  He understood that from the Scripture, active gay lifestyle is sin.  That's not what God wants of him. His openness, honesty and ownership of his sin was refreshing.  It's down right painful when a person is in denial and justifying it.

Now we have committed to meeting weekly to become a disciple. Also, we are trying to figure out accountability.  This is new territory.  I know that God is in it.  I'm hopeful for this young man.  Your prayers are needed.

As you become fishers of men, we encounter challenges.  Do not be afraid. God is working on you as you are working with them.

Be encouraged.  Go Fish!

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