Why do we worship?
Discipleship always brings up great questions? Recently we have been discussing the person of Jesus. Where does he say that he is God? What does it mean to be the Son? Does Jesus command us to worship him?
You never know what to expect when the Holy Spirit guides your feet into the homes of the lost. What you can expect is that God is discipling you while you are discipling another. A co-laborer in the harvest uses the idea called duckling discipleship. You share what you know as you go. (future article)
Seriously, some questions really cause you to pause, pray and dig into the word before responding. This is good. Good for you and for your disciple. You both grow in the knowledge of the Lord. What about worship? Worship is complex and simple at the same time. We can look at what is important to us just by looking at two registers. Open up your day timer and check register.
Say what? Yes. See how you spend your time and money. It will show you what you worship. Most of us are selfish and self-focused. Time and money is spent on us. We worship what we perceive as worthy. God is the creator. We are the creature. God is holy. He has shown mercy and is good to us. He is worthy to be praised! We see throughout the NT where people and angels worship him.
A person received sight. He worships. A woman healed of bleeding. She worships. Child raised from the dead. The family worships him. Jesus receives that worship. He doesn't tell them to stop. Yet, he tells Satan to worship the Lord your God only. God the Father in Hebrews 1 tells all the angels to worship Jesus. Why? Why does God the Father say worship him? Why do people worship a man?
He is worthy! He is creator. (John 1, Heb. 1, Ps. 102, Col. 1) He died and rose on the third day and now sits on the throne! He is worthy to be praised.
Brothers, as we make disciples who will make disciples we will help others learn not only how, but why we worship Jesus. We help them discover who he is and what he has done. Worship is a life lived for Jesus. All of our lives bring him glory.
Be encouraged! Go Fish!
Discipleship always brings up great questions? Recently we have been discussing the person of Jesus. Where does he say that he is God? What does it mean to be the Son? Does Jesus command us to worship him?
You never know what to expect when the Holy Spirit guides your feet into the homes of the lost. What you can expect is that God is discipling you while you are discipling another. A co-laborer in the harvest uses the idea called duckling discipleship. You share what you know as you go. (future article)
Seriously, some questions really cause you to pause, pray and dig into the word before responding. This is good. Good for you and for your disciple. You both grow in the knowledge of the Lord. What about worship? Worship is complex and simple at the same time. We can look at what is important to us just by looking at two registers. Open up your day timer and check register.
Say what? Yes. See how you spend your time and money. It will show you what you worship. Most of us are selfish and self-focused. Time and money is spent on us. We worship what we perceive as worthy. God is the creator. We are the creature. God is holy. He has shown mercy and is good to us. He is worthy to be praised! We see throughout the NT where people and angels worship him.
A person received sight. He worships. A woman healed of bleeding. She worships. Child raised from the dead. The family worships him. Jesus receives that worship. He doesn't tell them to stop. Yet, he tells Satan to worship the Lord your God only. God the Father in Hebrews 1 tells all the angels to worship Jesus. Why? Why does God the Father say worship him? Why do people worship a man?
He is worthy! He is creator. (John 1, Heb. 1, Ps. 102, Col. 1) He died and rose on the third day and now sits on the throne! He is worthy to be praised.
Brothers, as we make disciples who will make disciples we will help others learn not only how, but why we worship Jesus. We help them discover who he is and what he has done. Worship is a life lived for Jesus. All of our lives bring him glory.
Be encouraged! Go Fish!