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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

5 JUL 23 Wednesday- A Closer Walk Devotional

 5 JUL 23 Wednesday: A Closer Walk Devotional

“Don’t be afraid, Samuel reassured them.  You have certainly done wrong, but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart, and don’t turn back on him.  Don’t go back to worshiping worthless idols that cannot help or rescue you-they are totally useless! But if you continue to sin, you and your king will be swept away.” 1 Sam. 12:20-21, 25

People are interesting creatures, to say the least.  We establish habits and fall into some that are not healthy or offensive to God.  At the same time, we are blind to our own faults and evil.  Don’t believe me? Ask anyone you meet if they are a good person? The response of the majority is yes.  The standard for goodness is always set by the person being asked and it is always on a sliding scale.  They may admit to being a liar, adultery, homosexual, and murder at heart, but still tell you they are good.

This is what is known as self-righteousness. We are all guilty of this at one time or another.  Samuel, a Prophet of God, told the Israelites that they had done wrong in asking for a King instead of yielding to God’s leadership.  They would ultimately suffer for it.  But Samuel told the people what God expected for their lives and character.  The plumbline of what is right and good is defined by the Lord, not us.  

Today, if you turn on the news or look at your feed, you will see the redefinition of terms to fit peoples’ sins.  We figure if we control and define the definitions then our lives will be acceptable in society and thereby extension to God.  We naturally create gods to suit ourselves and we worship them.  In this passage, Samuel speaks against this stating that we are to worship God alone.  All other religions are worthless and useless.  

From the time this book (1 Samuel) was written until today, the Jews have gone back and forth seeking other gods.  Jesus came to fulfill their religion and set a new covenant to be right with God.  We who are Gentile Christians must understand that we too are vulnerable to the same sins of Jews.  God has expectations of us because we have been bought with Jesus’ blood and are commanded to live holy lives, not sinful ones.

In a world that is offended by everything, is anyone asking if what they are doing offends God?

Reading Plan: Psalm 33; 1 Sam. 11:1-15; Acts 8:1-13;  Luke. 22:63-71

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