14 JUL 23 Friday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” Psalm 16
When people are asked if they believe in an afterlife, many say yes. But what do they think it will be like? Some of the responses are that there is a heaven and that place is a paradise of beauty and lots of good food. Muslim men will often state the sensual gratification of numerous wives they can take pleasure in. Others have ideas that I think they come up with on the fly. While heaven itself is a beautiful place, much of what we hear is not there.
We miss the biggest reason to be in heaven! That is to be in the full presence of God, face to face. If you are hoping to see anything else more than Him, then you probably are not going at all. We are in a bad habit of creating a god to suit ourselves and a heaven to our liking. That is what God calls idolatry. We are very good at that. Look at all the people on social media, video games, and virtual reality simulations. They are trying to escape the reality of this life and live in one that affirms their sin and evil desires.
The psalmist (David) in chapter 16, understands that there is nothing in this life that will satisfy us apart from God. The Lord alone is his inheritance and cup of blessing. (v.5) God’s continued presence in our daily life is a blessing to us in that he guides, instructs, and fills us with contentment and satisfaction “in” Him. That produces joy and causes us to rejoice in God. Some people say that heaven would be boring because people are worshiping God for eternity.
Why do you think they say that? Because even the best stuff they do now doesn’t bring satisfaction or joy. Everything fades, rusts, and becomes old. They project that on what the bible says about heaven. God tells us that the saved will have unending joy and that everything done in heaven will be satisfying.
Do you look forward to meeting your maker (Jesus)?
Reading Plan: Psalm 18:1-20; 1 Sam. 16:14-17:11; Acts 10:17-33; Luke. 24:36-53
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