29 JAN 23 Sunday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“Wake up, wake up, O Lord! Clothe yourself with strength! Flex your mighty right arm! Rouse yourself as in the days of old when you slew Egypt, the dragon of the nile.” Isaiah 51:9
I have a picture that my mom took when I was probably about seven of me flexing my muscles in the mirror in the hallway. I still do it and probably will continue to do so well into my 90s, Lord willing. All men flex because we realize we have some power and we like it. It gives us confidence that we can do and accomplish stuff.
If you live long enough, you will realize that there are other men that are bigger, faster, stronger and smarter than you. You have limitations and are not invincible. That can be a sobering moment. The Jews felt that when they were in bondage as slaves to the Egyptians even though they outnumbered their oppressor. God used that moment to reveal to the Jews and the Egyptians his might and care for his own people.
God, our warrior and defender, flexed his mighty muscles and put to death the entire Egyptian Army. It was no difficulty for him to do this. He didn’t break a sweat. He is the same God that made the earth and all of the galaxies in space. He controls the change in climate and the spiritual forces of wickedness. At the end He will cast the Devil to hell with “one” word. We serve a mighty God who is truly awesome. God says, get a grip, I got you!
So why are we afraid of climate change and evil people?
Reading Plan: Psalm 24, 29; Isa. 51:9-16; Heb. 11:8-16; John 7:14-31
Daily Office Year 1
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