Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

4 Oct 22 Tuesday SOAPS Devotional

 4 OCT 22 Tuesday SOAPS Devotional

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 121,122, 123; Micah 1:1-9; Acts 23:12-24; Luke 7:1-17

In whom or what do you put your trust and security?

S- I look up to the mountains-does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Psalm 121:1-2, 8

O- We seek answers and security from a number of places and people, but for what reason? The writer has found that all other solutions have left him wanting and the Lord is the ultimate security and help.  Who better to help than the one who made it all and always has eyes on you for eternity?

A- I will trust the Lord for my security and care for he has my best interests at heart and is able to deal with any problem I face.

P- Lord, I give thanks to you, maker of heaven and earth.  You have known me before the foundation of the world and will watch over me for eternity.  I praise you for your mercy and kindness that would save one that is not worthy.  Help me not lose sight of you and to trust you in all circumstances.  Amen.

S- C, M

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