Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Thursday, August 25, 2022

25 AUG 22 Thursday SOAPS DEVO

 25 AUG 22 Thursday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 18:1-20 Job 8:1-10; Acts 10:34-48; John 7:37-52

S- Then Peter replied, I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism.  In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.  This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel-that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.  Acts 10:34-36

O- We have to learn like Peter that our race, nationality, tribe, or tongue doesn’t matter because God has people in all nations of the world.  This was difficult for the early disciples until God showed them.  We only filter with the gospel, not by other criteria.  Share with everyone and see what happens.

A- I will not filter when sharing the gospel or making disciples and let the gospel do the filtering.  I will rejoice when any lost sheep are found or disciple developed.

P- Lord, thank you for allowing me to learn from my parents through word and deed that all people are created in your image and race, nationality, tribe, or tongue is no barrier to me or You.  While our nation and world struggle with this, help me to stay faithful seeking after your lost sheep.  Amen.

S- M, C, V

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