Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fish Tales 4/27/2016


The more you "go" fishing, the more you encounter brokenness.  While at an apartment this week I ran into a young lady I'll call Gail.  She sat quietly on the steps of the second floor.  After talking to another lady that our team led to the Lord, I went up and spoke to her.

I told Gail we were here praying for the community.  We asked if she had anything we could pray about either for her or the community.  She opened up.  Really opened up.  Gail shared that her boyfriend recently passed away.  Her Grandparents died a year ago and her parents prior to that.  She also lost her dog.  If you added a bottle of Jack, it would have made for a perfect country song.

You could feel and see the brokenness of this lady.  We prayed for her and talked for about forty minutes.  We shared the gospel too.  She really appreciated to have someone to talk to and pray for her.

Listen, people are out in our communities every day that are broken.  They are trying to solve it by themselves.  They are self medicating to ease the pain that only God can heal.  But God, he can do it through you.  Pray for your community and ask God to show you where the gospel is not.  Ask where are the last, least and lost.  Where can you join him in the work of the harvest?

Go Fish!

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