4 NOV 23 Saturday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“Jesus also used this illustration: ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.’” Matthew 13:33
What influence can one person have? How about you? We can see in our day how one person can have a great influence on others for good or evil. Many people wish to be influencers for their fame and fortune or to benefit others. When we see something that sparks a passion, we tell ourselves that we are nobody. Why would anyone listen to me?
In the Scriptures, Jesus uses the simile of yeast to describe the wicked ways of the religious elite and the Kingdom of Heaven. Both spread and permeate through society like it does in the dough. On the positive side, the growth of the Kingdom and the multiplication of believers comes through the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit. He works inside people by changing and preparing their hearts to receive the good news.
When the gospel is activated by faith, it begins to grow inside the person. It can and does go from person to person rather quickly until an entire society grows in the knowledge of the Lord. As believers, our life has meaning, purpose, and influence that can impact the people we know and those who are within our network. The Holy Spirit uses our lives and relationships to affect the place we live and move in. One person filled with the Holy Spirit, growing in their faith, can have a tremendous eternal impact.
Are you an influencer?
Reading Plan: Psalm 55; Neh. 4:1-23; Rev. 7:9-17; Matt. 13:31-35