3 SEP 23 Sunday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“Instead, train yourself to be godly. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” 1 Tim. 4:7b, 12b
New believers and even long-time believers need a focal point in what to do as a follower of Christ. Paul started with the character of a believer and his development. We are to be conformed to the image of Jesus and live like he did. Think about it. That is a tall order, no? Training for godliness is a lot like training in the weight room, but the benefits and outcomes are greater and eternal.
When you start with character, it works on a person’s heart, virtues, and holiness. From the inner man pours out his love for his fellow man, his lifestyle, his faith, and his purity. Our life becomes an example or model for others to follow, but it also has an impact on those who don’t know Jesus. People will see us and have a taste of what God is like.
Like weightlifting, you find that improvement is needed in some areas and an overhaul in others. We are a work in process when it comes to godliness. Unlike weightlifting, the work you put into becoming the person that God desires you to be is eternal. A life lived in pursuit of godliness, is a full life, not a wasted one. The charge given to Timothy is also given to you, your name train yourself to be godly…
Are you training for godliness? Are you an example for others?
Reading Plan: Psalm 148, 149, 150; 1 Kings. 8:22-30; 1 Tim. 4:7b-16; John 8:47-59