Which comes first the chicken or the egg?
We go out into neighborhoods on a weekly basis to share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples. It is a training ground for leaders, pastors, and anyone that wants to learn how to reach people that need the Lord. It's "live-action discipleship".
When out in neighborhoods, I often take an apprentice so they can learn "on the job". They often ask what comes first? Is it an A, B, C or 1,2,3 process? Yes and No. Sometimes both. Sometimes it all happens at the same time. There is a process, but it flexes to the audience and the Spirit.
Many times while prayer walking we find someone like Pam and Bill. They both were happy for prayer. They both share deep stuff. We prayed for them and then asked them, Do you feel near or far from God? As they respond we share how we came to faith (Our Story) and gospel presentation (God's story). To God's glory the both drew near to God that day.
They then invited us back to study the Word together and to be discipled. That's how it usually happens, really. No kidding!
Other times we have engaged people like, Jak. He is from another faith background. Jak is very inquisitive. He is loaded with questions. We spend a few months going to his home and sharing true stories from the Bible. We ask Jak questions and he asks us questions. We are both pressing deep in the Scripture. We are being tested and growing. Jak is being exposed to deep truths of the Word.
Some come to faith and are discipled and some are discipled into the faith. Either way the result is the same. The end goal is that they become healthy disciple makers. This is a process. It takes time. So Endure.
Get out there and Go Fish!
We go out into neighborhoods on a weekly basis to share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples. It is a training ground for leaders, pastors, and anyone that wants to learn how to reach people that need the Lord. It's "live-action discipleship".
When out in neighborhoods, I often take an apprentice so they can learn "on the job". They often ask what comes first? Is it an A, B, C or 1,2,3 process? Yes and No. Sometimes both. Sometimes it all happens at the same time. There is a process, but it flexes to the audience and the Spirit.
Many times while prayer walking we find someone like Pam and Bill. They both were happy for prayer. They both share deep stuff. We prayed for them and then asked them, Do you feel near or far from God? As they respond we share how we came to faith (Our Story) and gospel presentation (God's story). To God's glory the both drew near to God that day.
They then invited us back to study the Word together and to be discipled. That's how it usually happens, really. No kidding!
Other times we have engaged people like, Jak. He is from another faith background. Jak is very inquisitive. He is loaded with questions. We spend a few months going to his home and sharing true stories from the Bible. We ask Jak questions and he asks us questions. We are both pressing deep in the Scripture. We are being tested and growing. Jak is being exposed to deep truths of the Word.
Some come to faith and are discipled and some are discipled into the faith. Either way the result is the same. The end goal is that they become healthy disciple makers. This is a process. It takes time. So Endure.
Get out there and Go Fish!