9 OCT 23 Monday: A Closer Walk Devotional
“So whether you get or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I don’t just do what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that many may be saved. And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.” 1 Cor. 10: 31, 33b, 11:1
Do you have a mentor or someone who models the Christian life for you? I have been blessed to have a few in my life: Grandpa Jim, Mom and Dad, Dale, and Jon to name a few. All of them represent different facets of the Christian life that I can draw from. Most of what I have learned, I have obtained through observation. The patterns and rhythms of life, engagement with others, and personal interaction developed my walk and pattern for life.
Think about this. Whenever you see interviews of great people, they are asked, ‘Who do you aspire to be like? Who inspired you?’ Inevitably they will say, I want to be like this person and they begin to unpack all the ways that person has affected their life. I always like to hear these stories because it helps you see where they came from, but there is also a hope that I am modeling for someone else.
Paul, in his message to the Church at Corinth, was trying to help them better interact with other people. He wanted them to be selfless for the sake of others so that they might impact people for the Kingdom and maybe save some. If they focused on living all of life for the glory of God and modeling the Christ-life Paul was modeling, then they would see the fruit of their labors. There is a two-part process, first don’t just talk about it, live it.
If you are going to talk the talk, then you must walk the walk. Second, be intentionally seeking to invest in others. These relationships don’t just happen. Ask God to give you someone to invest in and then start looking. When you invest in another, you grow too because God is developing you at the same time.
Can you say like Paul, imitate me as I imitate Christ?
Reading Plan: Psalm 106:1-18; 2 Kings 21:1-18; 1 Cor. 10:14-11:1; Matt 8:28-34