Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Saturday, January 6, 2024

6 JAN 24 Saturday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 6 Jan 24 Saturday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 46, 97; Isaiah 49:1-7; Rev. 21:22-27; Matt 12:14-21


Question of the day:  Do you trust God when things are out of your control?

S- “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.  So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.” Psalm 46:1-2

O- It is said that ‘there are no rogue molecules’ because God sustains all things and controls all things.  When you understand that God does ordain or orchestrate climate catastrophic events, you realize you are not in control, but you can find peace, refuge, and strength in Him during it all.  This is where faith and trust take a leap.

A- I will not live in fear of climate events and understand that God is in control and has my life in his hands to spare it or to deliver it into his eternal presence.

P- Merciful Father, you are great and beyond measure for us to fully understand.  You have created all things and the magnitude of your power is breathtaking.  Help us Lord to remember who you are when things spin out of our control.  You are merciful and extend to your elect your goodness and deliver us to yourself when this life is over.  We give thanks to you today and renew our trust in you. Amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

4 JAN 24 Thursday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 4 Jan 24 Thursday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 85,87; Joshua 3:14-4:7; Eph. 5:1-20; John 9:35-38

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day:  Are you looking for an example to follow?

S- “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.  He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma in God.” Eph. 5:1-2

O- The book of Ephesians is a great book to encourage a follower of Christ in doctrine and life.  We are given an opportunity to live a life that brings God honor and glory every day.  We are not at a loss for examples and models to follow.  God is the ultimate standard for life and when there is not a model around us, we can strive to be the model for others.

A-  I will imitate God in all I do and seek to be a model and example for others.  I will be a pleasing aroma with God’s help.

P- Heavenly Father, you are so good to us every day.  I thank you for your word and care.  I give praises to you for modeling the life you expect us to live both in yourself and in your Son.  Prepare our hearts, minds, and souls with the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life with a pleasing aroma in your nose.  Bless you.  Bless us.  In Christ’s name amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

3 JAN 24 Wednesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 3 Jan 24 Wednesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 68; 1 Kings  19:9-18; Eph. 4:17-32; John 6:12-27

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day: Do others see you as righteous and holy?

S- “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” Eph. 4:22-23

O- One of the functions of the church and every believer is to become more like Jesus.  Paul desires to help shape new believers by explaining to them the difference between their old life and the new life given to them by Jesus.  We have a new nature, purpose, and lifestyle that is to be marked by righteousness and holiness.  Paul wants us to be focused on this and strive with the Spirit’s help to this end.  How are you doing with this?

A-  I will seek the counsel of a spiritual mentor to help examine my life to see if I am truly pursuing the life God intends for me to live.  I will yield to the Holy Spirit as he exposes and renews my thoughts and attitudes to conform to his will.

P- Gracious Lord, thank you for saving me and giving me the opportunity to live for you and not myself.  Examine my life Lord, and help me to become righteous and holy.  In my old life, I followed my desires and much of it was sinful.  Help me to desire what you do and to live in a manner worthy of your name.  In Christ’s name, amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

2 Jan 24 Tuesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 2 Jan 24 Tuesday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 34; 1 Kings  19:1-8; Eph. 4:1-16; John 6:1-14

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day: Are you becoming mature in the faith?

S- “Then we will no longer be immature like children.  We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching.  We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.” Eph. 4” 14

O- Paul lets us know that there is a great purpose in being unified as the church.  We will become strong in the faith, reaching new maturity levels, and becoming all God wants us to be.  Then we will be able to stand against all of the false teachings and teachers that infiltrate the church.  We will know the truth and discern falsehoods.

A-  I will study the word, fellowship with believers, and help others to become who God desires them to be.  I will stand firm and expose the false teaching and teachers.

P- Lord God, you are the maker of heaven and earth and of all things seen and unseen.  You have blessed your people with gifted individuals who train and equip us to be all that you desire us to be.  I’m thankful for them and ask that you continue to develop your church so that we can face all the enemies of the cross.  Help me to train and equip others as well so they can grow into maturity.  In Jesus’ name amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

Monday, January 1, 2024

1 JAN 24 Monday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

 1 Jan 24 Monday: Coffee with Chaps Devotional

SOAPS (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer, Share) 

Reading Plan: Psalm 103; Isa. 62:1-5, :10-12; Rev. 19:11-16; Matthew 1:18-25

The week of the First Sunday after Christmas  

Question of the day: Have you reflected on what God did last year? Do you look forward to what he will do this year?

S- “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.  Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.” Psalm 103:1-2

O- As we transition from one year to another, it always gives us time to reflect on what God has done for us.  It is wonderful when God shows us how he directs our steps and teaches us through good and difficult times.  Today we stand in a new day and year looking forward to what God will do this year with eager anticipation.  God is always working out his will and ways in the big picture but also has us in mind to be a part of that.  That is awesome!

A- I will give thanks and praise to the Lord for all that he has done in my life this past year.  I will worship in gladness for helping me day to day as I learn the easy way and even the hard way.  

P- Heavenly Father, you are wonderful to me and I don’t deserve it.  You show up in my weaknesses and in my mistakes to help me reset and understand how to be better.  I thank you for your continual guidance and care and for showing me all that you have done in my life this past year and the impact you had through me.  I look forward to experiencing more of you this new year.  Mold me and shape me into the man you want me to be, in Christ’s name amen.

S- The seven people you have given me to care for and invest in.

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Prayer Requests

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