12 OCT 22 Wednesday SOAPS Devotional
(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)
Reading Plan: Psalm 119:1-24; Jonah 1:17-2:10; Acts 27:9-26; Luke 9:1-17
Are you cultivating a life for God?
S- Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws anad search for him with all their hearts. Psalm 119:1-2
O- Before any ministry outside of yourself, nurture a growing relationship with God. Out of that deep and abiding relationship flows power, peace, love, and food for others. The joy and peace that comes from knowing God will carry you the storms of life and enable you to carry others.
A- I will rejoice in the Lord for he is good and faithful. I will seek Him in his word daily enjoying the wonderful truths I find.
P- Heavenly Father, I rejoice in who you are and your care for me. As I open your word, incline my heart to your will and ways. Empower me to obey and to find my satisfaction and joy in you. Sow your word in my heart and cultivate a life that is worthy of your name. Amen.
S- NG, C