Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

30 AUG 22 Tuesday SOAPS DEVO

 30 AUG 22 Tuesday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 26, 28; Job 12:1-25; Acts 12:1-17 John 8:33-47

S- The Lord gives his people strength.  He is a safe fortress for his anointed king.  Save your people! Bless Israel, your special possession.  Lead them like a shepherd, and carry them in your arms forever.  Psalm 28:8-9

O- This is a comforting picture to see the Lord as a shepherd who cares for his sheep.  Having the right view of God is everything because in Him is comfort, security, and power for living.  

A- I will daily remind myself of one of your attributes and take heart that because I have you I have everything.

P- Lord, you are the shepherd of my soul and the one that loves me the most.  You are my hope and security in whom I live and breathe.  I give thanks and rejoice in who you are and for the relationship you initiated. Help me to remember your attributes and to put my trust in you.  Amen.

S- T, J

Monday, August 29, 2022

29 AUG 22 Monday Soaps DEVO

 29 AUG 22 Monday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 25; Job 12:1-25; Acts 11:19-30; John 8:21-32

S- Jesus continued, You are from below; I am from above.  You belong to this world, I do not.  That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I Am who I claim to be, you will die in your sins. John 8:23-24

O- The bad news in the gospel is that not all will believe and be saved.  Let that sink in. The road to hell is wide and many will go there.  We see their rejection of the gospel and become angry, sad, or frustrated.   It should humble us that by unmerited favor, we are his.  We must be salty, and tell people if they don't repent and believe, they will die in their sins.

A- I will remain faithful to sharing the good and the bad of the message.  I will give thanks for the mercy and grace of God for bringing me into a right relationship with Him.

P- Lord, you know we get sad and frustrated when people turn away from the message of salvation.  Comfort us and remind us of the mercy and grace afforded to us.  Help us not to withhold the salt of your message, but to share in boldness.  Amen.

S- E, M, J

Sunday, August 28, 2022

28 AUG 22 Sunday SOAPS DEVO

28 AUG 22 Sunday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 148, 149, 150; Job 11:1-20; Rev. 5:1-14; Matt. 5:1-12

S- Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

O- Jesus searched for the lost to be his followers.  As he shared the good news and taught from the Scriptures, people would surrender to him.  The poor in spirit are those that recognize their brokenness, sin, and need for him. Those are the ones that the Spirit has worked on and the message has affected.  This is what we will see as we seek and share.

A- I will faithfully seek the lost and share the gospel.  I will recognize the signs of those that are being drawn by God to salvation.  I will learn to press or let go based on their response.

P- Lord, I appreciate that you initiate relationships because we would not seek you or know you otherwise.  Help us to faithfully share and leave the results to you.  Help us to encourage our fellow disciples to obey the commands of Christ and engage the lost no matter the cost. Amen.

S- J, M

Saturday, August 27, 2022

27 AUG 22 Saturday SOAPS DEVO

27 AUG 22 Saturday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 20, 21:1-14; Job 10:1-9,16-22; Acts 11:1-18; John 8:12-20

S- You formed me with your hands; you made me, yet now you completely destroy me.  Remember that you made me from dust-will you turn me back to dust so soon? Job 10:8-9

O- During trials we can see our frailty and wonder what God is doing or not.  It allows us to see that the world doesn’t revolve around us and that God will do whatever pleases Him with his creatures.  That is hard for those that like to be in control.  We may need to reflect on the shortness of life and entrust God for today and our future. 

A- I will remember that from dust I was made and dust I will return.  I will entrust God with every day He gives me and do his will even when I go through trials and don’t understand.

P- Father, you are the Lord of my life and I yield each day to you.  Lead me where you want me to go and do what you want done.  Extend to me the grace that is needed to face the challenges of life.  Amen.  

S- A, S

Friday, August 26, 2022

26 AUG 22 Friday SOAPS DEVO

 26 AUG 22 Friday SOAPS DEVO

(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)

Reading Plan: Psalm 16, 17; Job 9:1-15,32-35; Acts 10:17-33; John 7:14-36

S- Troubles multiply for those who chase after other gods.  I will not take part in their sacrifices of blood or even speak the names of their gods.  Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.  Psalm 16:4-5a

O- Look around and see that everyone is worshiping someone or something.  They tougt that they are not religious, but they lie.  They have fashioned their lives around the person, ideology, or thing and it shows in their life.  The true follower of Christ sheds themselves of the world’s culture, ideology, and idols and finds their satisfaction in God alone.  

A- I will examine my life to see what idols I may still hold onto and let them go.  I will daily seek the Lord and desire to do his will and be satisfied in him.

P- Heavenly Father, you are my treasure, inheritance, and cup of blessing.  Guard and protect me in this life from the world, the flesh, and the devil.  Help me to find my satisfaction in you and take joy that I am yours and you are mine.  Amen.

S- K, L, M

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