4 MAY 22 Wednesday SOAPS DEVO
(Scripture, Observation, Apply, Pray, Share)
Reading Plan: Psalm 28, 28; Proverbs 4; Exodus 19:16-25; Matthew 3:13-17
S- Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23
O- The heart is the center of who we are and contains our identity. When you were a child, your parents guarded your heart against the world, the flesh, the devil, and imprinted on you the ways of God in hopes that you might become a child of God. When you left their care, it is up to you to use the tools given to embrace God’s identity for you. Everything else will fight that so you must actively guard your heart.
A- I will guard my heart, my identity in Christ, and your ways with God’s help. I will remain devoted to the development of my life, to your will, and seek you above all.
P- Lord, you give us wisdom so that we can navigate through life and respond to the adversaries we face even our own desires. You call us to die to self and follow and love you with all our hearts. Help us to guard our hearts and defend us day by day. Amen.
S- V, A, K