Our purpose is to teach people to follow Jesus and be fishers of men. Dedicated to evangelism, disciple making disciples, T4T, Pioneer Church Planting, and being a catalyst for Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We train in theory (classroom) and live action discipleship. (harvest)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Blog now?

My thoughts on this blog is to create a tool that is helpful to me and others.  Over the years I've struggled to find what works for me.  I will be adding tools and articles that may help you.  I use most of these on a regular basis in sermon preparation and personal study.  I hope to add updates of other ministries that have impacted and continue to impact me.  Likewise, if it helps you fantastic. 

In the future you will see articles and books about Prayer, Care, Study & Share. 


Prayer Requests

How may we pray for you? We consider it a privilege to bring your requests and praises before God.
